The general terms and conditions of use of website
Any user of the website declares having acknowledged and accepted the general terms and conditions of use below :
The personal data collected on this site will be used by the Media-Coach consortium exclusively in the context of the purpose of this initiative. The Media-Coach consortium is committed to not using this information for direct commercial purpose or to disclose it to third parties. As a data subject, the user also has the right to object to the processing of his/her personal data. S/he can exercise his right of access or rectification by sending a written request to Media-Coach, represented by Média Animation :– 100 Avenue Mounier -– B-1200 Brussels (Belgium). The user of this site agrees with the fact that any message or data s/he transmits to the site will be treated as non-confidential.
The user accepts the fact that s/he is responsible for any damage incurred while accessing or using the site. Media-Coach is not liable or responsible whatsoever for any damage incurred when using the site. Media-Coach is not liable or responsible whatsoever in regard to any damage incurred as a result of using this site improperly or after a defective or faulty connection or any other use related to any hardware, software or any other specific material.
The consortium aims to provide timely and accurate information. However, Media-Coach is not responsible whatsoever for any damage caused by incorrect, outdated or incomplete information displayed by users on the website. Media-Coach assumes no responsibility for the fact that other users might access these data or messages.
The user of this site is aware of the fact that the Internet is not a perfectly protected media and that a total security concerning private life cannot be guaranted. Therefore, Media-Coach will not be responsible in any way for anydamage that the user might suffer as a consequence of having provided confidential or private information.
The legal relations between Media-Coach and the user are governed entirely in accordance with Belgian law and jurisdiction.
The Belgian court (as Media Animation asbl stands under its jurisdiction) shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any dispute arising between the consortium (represented by Media Animation) and the Website user.
The texts, illustrations and other elements displayed on this site are protected by international copyright laws. Any adaptation, copy, translation of part or the total content of this site, in any form or by any means, is expressly prohibited without previous and written permission of the copyright owner. The website relies on the contribution of its members and users, it is clearly expressed that all the contents, texts, data or illustrations put online by the users :